About me

I am an explorer, who is looking for new places, topics, and new experiences, but at least a new way to think. I often walk alone in my way, trying to avoid a previously used path just because I strongly believe we need to experience more and more. Every time I fail, I learn and I start again my process. I go further and further until I reach something new and unexpected. I always wanted to know the answer to “how?” and “why?”. Now I am trying to answer these questions with my pictures. I am an inquisitive person, and as a photojournalist, I am eager to tell stories about any topics around the globe – environment, culture, and conflict, which are my core interests. I see immense potential in narratives within the topics of endangered cultures in the ever-changing political landscape of the world, as well as in cultural phenomena that gain sudden popularity. I believe that we humans need powerful visual stories to strengthen the connections between different cultures. I’m not a conceptual photographer, rather I notice and react. I have a passion for establishing immediate contact with my surroundings, which I then transform into visual stories in my journalistic works. My ability to serve as an observer helps me to perform in any situation at any time. I collect inspiration and topics for my projects through adventures such as travelling and mountaineering. My main focus is to offer current stories to news agencies from whichever region I am involved with and to keep the stories alive on the air.

My name is Tamás Sóki, I was born in 1993 in Pécs, Hungary. During my high school studies, I started to work as a photojournalist for Axel Springer Hungary after I got the chance to show my abilities at the Hungarian News Agency as a regional photojournalist. In 2015 I graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Budapest, where I studied photography BA, after that, I attended Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture where I completed my MA. I work as a freelance photographer to create unique materials for my customers.

Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I am going to take tomorrow — Imogen Cunningham

They talked about me:


Youth Press Prize – 2016
37. Hungarian Pressphoto contest – honorable mention – 2019


Nikon-NOOR Academy Masterclass  

Selected clients:

Selected publications:

Selected Exhibitions:

2017 Stress position, Budapest, Hungary

2018 MOME Diploma, Budapest, Hungary

2018 Art Market Budapest, Hungary

2018 18. UNFAKE Arc Billboard Exhibition, Budapest Hungary

2019 Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France

2020 Walls of Powers, Digital Edition

2021  Images of Light II. | 2nd National Salon of Photography

2022 Hungary 365, Budapest